Here in the Second Story Lab, we research new and emerging technologies that have the potential to enhance user experiences. As part of this ongoing quest, we are always on the lookout for new ways of sensing people in spaces. When we saw the depth-sensing camera at the Emerging Technologies exhibit area of Siggraph in 2008, we were intrigued by the possibilities. It would be several more years before the technology matured and was made available to us in the many forms we see today.
The advent of the depth-sensing camera has enabled us to sense people in new and innovative ways. As this technology has evolved over the last two years, we’ve been experimenting with and incorporating it into exhibit spaces. Through the use of these simple cameras, we have introduced new ways in which people can interact with media and vice versa. This video explores some of the applications and innovations we’ve developed in the world of depth-sensing technology. As we look forward to the next evolution in this emerging field, we are excited as ever about the possibilities it opens for interactive storytelling.
—Matt Arnold, Lead Integration Engineer